The short stubby profile and specific shape gives Pakula Shortshots incdredible stability in all conditions. The medium and large sizes are particularly effective in very rough and windy conditions where the extra drag created keeps them in position lessening worries about lures blowing out and tangling.
Pakula Shortshots work within a large range of trolling speeds with a leaning towards the faster end of the scale from eight to a very fast twenty knots in moderate conditions. The action is very active, incorporating a heavy head shaking swimming action with an aggressive bloop as the lure hits the surface to breathe, the lure then dives deep to dispel trapped air in a large mass of foaming bubbles and turbulence. These lures work well in all positions particularly in the very difficult close positions with great ease of placement.
Name: Paua Shaker Jet
Hooks: Dojo 30
Rigs: 30/30
Leader: 200lb
Head Length: 32mm
Head Width: 37mm
Skirt Size: 265mm
Total Length: 297mm
Position: Short Corner, Short Rigger
Please note lure images to show lure colour only (heads shown on lures may be incorrect)